Today's Beach2020/06/09

There were only very few people on the beach today.
Looked almost deserted compared to last month and the month before the last. 
looks scary!
(on April 18)

Where have the people occupied here even on weekdays last month gone? 
This doesn't mean this place is safe and clean now as almost 50% (by my rough counting) of people there did not wear mask, enjoying fresh breath without thinking they might be spreading something potentially life-threatening..

Meanwhile, the beach was being groomed with additional sand.
work in progress

under construction
Are they inviting visitors this summer? 
This place may still be a no-go place for me. 

Choose Suitable Verbs2020/06/09

People tend to use words like "fight", "battle", or "conquer" when talking about COVID-19. Is it, however, the thing to fight when we actually can't see it with our own eyes? And how can we know we have conquered it when we can't confirm its extinction? 
I recently began to think we should "tame", "control", or "get away with" it.