Saga completed2022/07/25

The 31st (final) volume of Golden Kamuy has arrived on Friday,  22. It looks about  Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it during the weekend. 

The story is simply divine. The more you read, the more profound you will find it is, a true masterpiece (I'd like to add a small 'ツ' to spell "傑作ッ" here to emphasize how great it is, but I don't know how to do that in English). Anytime I read it it made me in tears absolutely without exemption. Its tear-inducing power is almost as strong as one of  'Nuovo Cinema Paradiso', if not more powerful. Especially when it comes to the last scene of Sergeant Tsukishima, I always burst into tears.

I now own volumes 1-5 and 27-31. An odd purchase, but the thought that there are still 20 volumes left to buy gives me a bit of hope to live.

The book on the left in the picture above  is the fan book which works as a great reference. 





July’s GolKam Reading2022/07/25

All are from a local library.
1 is a biographical novel partly based on real stories, intertwining lives of  Sakhalin Ainu people and a Russian female soldier. 
2 is also a life story of a pioneering woman who settled in a wild land in Hokkaido. 
3 is a collection of papers. So So So academic. I thought I may be able to get a gist of the backgrounds and consequences of the Russo-Japanese War, but  I even couldn't  finish a single chapter. 
4 is a legendary nonfiction book regarding a series of disasters caused by a giant bear. 
