My Kind of Heaven 12010/08/01

In August, I suddenly become spiritual, feeling heaven(s) here and there.

Please don’t think I’m dying of the heat or talking about the Judgment Day.


I mean mid summer produces things that remind me of how Heaven would be like.


First thing is white peaches.

I feel a peace in my palm...

                               JPY590 for two fruits

  Although I am trying to cut my food mileage (no longer in vogue?) and Fukuokan farmers do produce peaches,  I can’t help getting this decadent (by my definition) fruits produced in Okayama,  some 400km away from here, at least once a year.

The velvety texture, mellow aroma, and sweet yet refreshing taste is simply irresistible.

These ones that I instinctively bought at a local supermarket should be regarded as quite ‘downmarket’ in the world of white peaches. The best ones that you will find at upmarket fruit stores or department stores can be as big as a baby’s head,   and can cost you JPY1,500 or more per fruit . Blessed price!

But I guarantee that once you try, you or your taste buds will feel like heaven.


The only flaw of this fruit is that they are too soft to carry. Although they come in a protective package, even a gentle push will ruin the pulp.


If you attempt to carry them by bike, you will very likely end up with peach juice in your shopping bag.